If you’ve just bought a new wallet, especially one of our amazing designs, you’re probably head over heels for it and can’t fathom living without it. Your next concern is: how can I keep my beloved currency-carrying companion as long as possible? On the safe side, you should know that a leather leather credit card holder mens will only survive for around 2 to 3 years if properly cared for. If you’re taking it out back and whipping it with a wet rope or picking at it absentmindedly, your little pal won’t be kicking long. There are, however, certain precautions you may take to ensure that your new product lasts as long as possible. These methods will work for all leather goods, so even those chaps you like to dress up in once a year for Halloween can benefit from them.
1. If it Gets Wet
Don’t be alarmed, it’s still skin. Most likely dyed cured and treated skin used to the water since it was still a form of skin. Just make sure you don’t speedy dry the product. When you pull out your wallet, this will alter its chemical structure, making it stiff, grubby, and crinkling in protest. So if you’re in Hawaii on vacation and drop it into the sea, don’t worry about it; just let it chill and air dry.

2. Target The Shiny
You may buy a leather cream for maintenance in your new wallet after a period of time. There are approximately 28,000 leather lotion alternatives on Amazon, and you’ll have to test a few before finding the ideal one. If you’re using a new lotion, go for the brightest bit that’s still relatively unseen; this will give you an impression of how it interacts with leather without immediately disrupting the equilibrium by introducing a new product.
3. Find a Protectant
Why would you want a stain on your new wallet, right? Fabric shields are used to prevent stains from going through your leather. They’ll make it simpler for stains to come out because they have a fabric barrier between them and your leather. Some shields may cause discoloration, so test a little amount on the inner lining just to be sure.

4. The Sun, It Burns Us
It won’t actually burn your leather, but it will age it in the same way as skin. The sun’s rays can do anything to anybody’s skin, regardless of whether or not it already resembles a leather bag. While the sun won’t render your best money clip credit card holder unrecognizable, it will cause it to crack and dry up.
5 Keep it Clean
Although leather is seen as a long-lasting material, stains may still cause it to look bad. A coffee stain on your white shirt, for example, resembles the aforementioned stains in terms of trying to ruin your appearance. If it gets a speck of dirt on it, use an all-in-one solution. As with the rest of the suggested chemicals, it’s best to test it first before using the rest of your leather wallet. You can also try washing some laundry detergents on a damp cloth and scrubbing gently before it fades away for a refreshing finish.
6. It’s Not Meant For Your Back Pocket
It’s not necessary to put that beautiful, genuine credit card holder with money clip in your back pocket. Because our wallets are so thin, this should be simple. However, if you feel the need arises, reconsider it. That premium leather is not meant to support a 180lb man for 8 hours; it’s strong but there are limitations.

7. Don’t Stretch It out
You may fit your fist in your mouth and notice that once you remove it, your mouth returns to its normal form. Your leather credit card holder wallet mens is not a mouth, so don’t try stretching it out with anything else like tennis balls or three years of kmart discounts. While leather will stretch, it has no inherent elasticity and won’t shrink back down. Just bear that in mind before you stuff the 18-five-dollar gift cards from this season into your wallet.
8.Putting it Away
You may not realize it, but you’re wrong if you believe that by hiding your wallet for a year will save it from the ravages of time. Leather goods can actually suffer damage while sitting in that dark closet of yours. If you do use leather furniture, be sure to take care of it. Leather is sensitive and delicate; like any other leather article, if not maintained properly, it may develop cracks and deteriorate. To prevent this, consider investing in some conditioning cream to keep your leather soft and pliable. The fourth and final aspect of the storage equation is to avoid using plastic bags. We all know it’s strange, but if you’ve ever observed a designer bag in its packaging, it’s kept in a cloth bag because it won’t harm the fabric. Plastic will drain the moisture and vitality from your leather.
If you want to use a leather wallet for many years then buy a genuine leather one.